Monday, February 25, 2019

Steel Door Benefits

Are you designing a new home; or, perhaps you're just remodeling an older one; maybe you just simply need to replace an Exterior Steel Door? Whatever the situation in which you find yourself, if you are faced with a decision to make between Steel doors, wooden doors, plastic doors or fiberglass doors, there are some things you might wish to consider before you make your purchase. Come along with me while we look at some of the benefits of steel doors and frames.

Steel  Door


This is most likely the first benefit that will come to mind when most people think of Steel Doors. Doors made of steel are able to withstand traumatic impacts from wind-driven items during storms, hurricanes and tornadoes. They are better able to withstand the trauma of forced entry than doors made of other materials. The steel frames that come with these doors also helps to prevent forced entry through the use of pry bars or crow bars to bend the door frame to gain entry. Steel plates can be mounted on the exterior side of wooden doors to help prevent forced entry but this option affords only minimal protection as most doors made of wood are not designed to withstand problems that result from bending the hinges.

Easy to Maintain

Doors of steel look great when you install them and they could not be easier to maintain. They won't rot like wooden doors and they don't need much maintenance to keep their beautiful appearance and integrity. Wooden, plastic and fiberglass doors will need to be painted and repaired periodically to maintain a beautiful appearance.

Energy Efficient

Steel Doors are more energy efficient than wood, plastic or fiberglass doors. This is a major concern for the budget minded home owner as well as for those who are concerned with protecting their environment by using less energy for heating and cooling.

Fire Resistance

Did you know that most steel doors afford some fire resistance? This is due to the materials from which they are made. A reasonable level of fire resistance protection is available from most of these doors and, if you require higher levels of fire resistance, then it is possible to obtain doors that are certified fire resistant for up to 4 hours.

No Warping, Cracking or Bowing

The materials used to make these doors will not rot, as mentioned above, nor will they take on moisture to swell, warp, crack or bow. Wooden doors are subject to all of these problems when moisture is prevalent. A warped, cracked or bowed exterior door will not afford much security, energy efficiency or fire resistance and will require some pretty major repairs or replacements after damage from moisture occurs.

More Cost Effective

In the beginning, the cost of a steel door may be higher than wood, plastic or fiberglass, but in the long run, when you consider the ease of maintenance and the durability of these doors of steel, you will spend less for a better product.
In the long run, the safety, security and protection of you and your family can best be achieved by using Steel Doors and Frames when you design, remodel or make repairs to your home.


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